Belchertown Weather

Belchertown Weather's large and mobile layouts

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Belchertown Weather is a website I made for my personal weather station that sits in my backyard. My goal with creating this website was a way to share weather information with others, but also to have a live-updated website with up to date information from the weather station.

The weather station sends its weather information to a PHP script I’ve created. This script submits information to 3 different places at once. 1) Weather Underground. 2) A Python application called weewx. 3) A JSON file for use with the website’s background updates via AJAX. Applicable weather data elements on screen are updated every 10 seconds.

The site includes graphs which utilize the Highcharts JavaScript library to be able to visualize the weather data for the current day, week, month and year.

Belchertown Weather's Various Graphs

Belchertown Weather started out as a WordPress theme but as the site matured, I realized there isn’t a need for the WordPress overhead. I have converted it to a static site with PHP.

Belchertown Weather also has a responsive design for mobile users and even a Rasperry Pi with a 3.5” TFT used as a remote kiosk.

Belchertown Weather's Raspberry Pi 3.5" TFT layout

PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Python, CSS, Responsive Design